Further Extension of the Imposition of Travel Restrictions on Travelers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates

The public is informed of item B of IATF Resolution No. 123 dated 28 June 2021, which states:

            “Cognizant of the continuous prevalence of COVID-19 Delta variant and the need for the continued implementation of proactive measures and restrictions particularly on international border control, travel restrictions currently imposed upon India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, and Oman is hereby extended until 15 July 2021.”

Except for Diplomatic Visas, all other visa issuances will remain on hold for affected applicants for the duration of the ban.


For any inquiry on this matter, the Consulate may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

05 July 2021, Dubai UAE.