Process Processing Time Fees Responsible Person
Accomplishment of Civil   Registration Form
1 Accomplish civil registration application form None Applicant
2 Print the confirmation email and QR Code. None Applicant
Submission & processing of application

Get queue number from the Receptionist / Information Officer

Note:  Accomplish application form  and complete supporting documents before obtaining a queue number.

0.5 min None Receptionist
4 Proceed to the Civil Registration Section at Bonifacio Hall, and wait for the processor to call your number. 30-40 mins None Consular Officer
5 Submit requirements to the Consular Officer who will then assess their completeness. 10 mins None Consular Officer
6 Proceed to the cashier to pay the corresponding fee. 5 mins

(In AED)



Delayed Registration-100

LCCM- 300/400

7 Return to the CRU counter, present the yellow copy of the receipt to the Consular Officer, and sign the marriage forms after thorough review. 3-5 mins None Consular Officer
Release of Documents

Proceed to the Marriage Counter from 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. on the date on the receipt.

Note:  To those whose marriage will be solemnized at the Consulate, the marriage contract and other relevant documents will be released immediately after the wedding ceremony.

None Consular Officer
9 Release of civil registration document/s. 5 mins None Consular Officer


Please be reminded that applicant/s must personally sign the document/s in front of the officials of the Consulate General.

Any spurious or tampered documents submitted for Notarization/ Attestation are subject to outright seizure upon proper determination by the Consular Officer. Holder of said documents, as well as fixers will be prosecuted. Payment for the document found to be spurious will be forfeited.



Marriage at the Consulate

ONLY Filipino citizens  (both parties) can be married at the Consulate General.

The Philippine Consulate General – Dubai has jurisdiction over Dubai and all Northern Emirates.

  1. Accomplished online Marriage Application form/Marriage Banns/Announcement form  
  2. One (1) Accomplished Joint Affidavit of Witnesses form  (originally signed by 2 witnesses)
  3. Original and three (3) photocopies of DFA-apostilled PSA Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) of both Bride and GroomNote:   (CENOMAR is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance and it must be "For Marriage Purposes ")
  4. Original and three (3) photocopies of DFA-apostilled PSA Birth Certificate of Bride and Groom.
  5. Valid Passport Copies and Visa Copies of Groom, Bride, Witnesses
  6. Recent passport-size colored photos of bride and groom
  7. Original DFA-apostilled Affidavit of Parental Consent for applicants aged 18-21 or DFA-apostilled Affidavit of Parental Advice for applicants aged 22-25.

Note: If parent is based here in UAE, personally appear at the Consulate to execute affidavit of parental consent/advice. Bring copies of passport and visa page.

  1. In case applicant/s has previous marriage/annulled, submit DFA-apostilled PSA Annotated Marriage Contract/Certificate, DFA-apostilled Court’s Finality, DFA-apostilled Court’s Decision and DFA-apostilled Advisory on Marriage (with “For Marriage Purposes ”) in addition to the usual requirements stated above.

Note: Passport must be reverted to bride’s single or maiden name prior to submission of application.

  1. If applicant’s/s’ husband or wife is deceased, submit DFA-Authenticated (red ribbon) Death Certificate, DFA-Authenticated (red ribbon) Marriage Certificate/Contract in addition to the usual requirements stated above.Note:   Passport must be reverted to bride’s single or maiden name prior to submission of application.
  2. If the applicant whose current residency is outside UAE and Philippines, submit Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (LCCM) certificate issued from the Philippine Embassy/Consulate which has jurisdiction over the place of residence.
  3. Any other document(s) that will be requested by the processor.


  • Submission of Requirements and Pre-Marriage Preparations
    • All forms must be computerized/typewritten in Block Format.
    • Scheduling is on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS.  Available schedule of marriage is posted at the Marriage Section.
    • Filipino prospective couples will choose a date of their wedding from the available schedule posted at the bulletin of Marriage Section as soon as they have completed and submitted their documents.
    • Attendance to the Pre-Marriage Counseling (PMC) seminar is a pre-requisite prior to the issuance of a marriage license. The couple will be informed one week before the seminar through SMS or email. If no information is received please verify schedule from the marriage section.
  • On the date of the marriage
    • Couple must return on given date of marriage with at least two (2) witnesses and bring 3 copies of passports of both bride and groom.
    • Solemnization of Marriage at Hall A.
  • After the marriage ceremony
    • Consulate sends marriage documents to DFA for onward transmittal to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA formerly NSO) for registration.
    • Three

Report of Marriage (ROM)

A Filipino citizen married outside the Philippines must register the marriage with the Philippine Foreign Service Post (Embassy or Consulate) of the country where the marriage was officiated.

A Report of Marriage will then be issued and transmitted by the Philippine Foreign Service Post through the Department of Foreign Affairs for registration and recording with the Office of the Civil Registrar General in the Philippines.

The Philippine Consulate General – Dubai has jurisdiction over Dubai and all Northern Emirates.

  1. Application form accomplished online Application for Report of Marriage (ROM) form

Note: Details such as age must be at the time of marriage. Indicate full maiden names of mothers of husband and wife. (refer to the   sample form  for guide in filling out ROM)

  1. Original and five (5) Photocopies of English or English Translated Marriage Contract duly attested by Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UAE.
  2. Five (5) Recent colored photos of husband and wife (passport size)
  3. Five (5) Colored copies of passports of both parties
  4. Five (5) Copies of duly filled out Joint Affidavit of Delayed Registration of Marriage form  if marriage was not reported within 6 months from the date of marriage. (with Original signatures of husband and wife)
  5. For divorce obtained by the foreign spouse – based on Article 26 of the Family Code, submit the Philippine judicial recognition of a foreign-issued absolute divorce decree (five copies ).
  6. For Annulled or Widowed Applicants – submit the Judicial Decree of Annulment or Declaration of Nullity of Previous Marriage or the Death Certificate of the former spouse (five copies ).
  7. Any other document(s) that will be requested by the processor.


  • Three (3) months after the reporting of marriage, the despatch number will be emailed to both parties in order to process the release of their report of marriage from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), formerly NSO.

Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (LCCM)

For a Filipino planning to marry a foreigner/other Filipino in other venues outside the Philippine Consulate within Dubai and Northern Emirates such as Courts, Churches, and Embassy/ Consulate of the foreigner partner:

  1. Application form accomplished Online Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage Form/Marriage Announcement Form
  2. Accomplished Joint Affidavit of Witnesses Form  (originally signed by 2 witnesses; preferably both Filipinos or with 1 Filipino witness)
  3. Accomplished Affidavit of Singleness Form  (originally signed by the Filipino applicant/s)
  4. Original DFA-apostilled PSA Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) of both Bride and Groom (for Filipino national only )

Note: (CENOMAR is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance and it must be "For Marriage Purposes ")

  1. Original DFA-apostilled PSA Birth Certificate of Bride and Groom (for Filipino national only )
  2. Passport Copies and Visa Copies of Groom, Bride, Witnesses
  3. Recent passport-size colored photos of bride and groom
  4. Original DFA-apostilled Affidavit of Parental Consent for applicants aged 18-21 or DFA-apostilled Affidavit of Parental Advice for applicants aged 22-25.

Note: If parent is based here in UAE, personally appear at the Consulate to execute affidavit of parental consent/advice. Bring copies of passport and visa page.

  1. In case applicant/s has previous marriage/annulled, submit DFA-apostilled PSA Annotated Marriage Contract/Certificate, DFA-apostilled Court’s Finality, DFA-Authenticated Court’s Decision and DFA-apostilled Advisory on Marriage (with “For Marriage Purposes”) in addition to the usual requirements stated above (for Filipino applicant only ).

Note: Passport must be reverted to bride’s single or maiden name prior to submission of application.

  1. If applicant’s/s’ husband or wife is deceased, submit DFA-apostilled PSA Death Certificate, DFA-apostilled PSA Marriage Certificate/Contract in addition to the usual requirements stated above (for Filipino applicant only ).

Note: Passport must be reverted to bride’s single or maiden name prior to submission of application.

  1. For married Filipino Muslim males, Original DFA-apostilled Consent of First Wife; if the wife is in the Philippines or elsewhere.
  2. If the Filipino applicant whose current residency is outside UAE and Philippines, submit Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (LCCM) certificate issued from the Philippine Embassy/Consulate which has jurisdiction over the place of residence.
  3. Any other document(s) that will be requested by the processor.


  • Submit documents for report of marriage after the wedding. (refer to the requirements on the Report of Marriage)

                                          MODES OF RELEASE OF CIVIL REGISTRATION

                                                DOCUMENTS RELATING TO MARRIAGE

Applicant to personally pick-up the document  from the notarial Section at designated date and time of release. Applicants must bring original receipt.
Applicant’s authorized representative  to pick-up the document at designated date and time of release. Authorized representative must present and submit:
  1. photocopy of applicant’s passport with signature; and
  2. photocopy of authorized representative’s passport with signature.

                                                  CONSULAR HOURS


Sundays to Thursdays (except legal holidays)

Passport   Appointment 8:00am – 3:30pm (Cut-off)
Passport   Releasing/Collection 8:00am – 5:00pm
Notarization of Documents 8:00am –2:00pm (Cut-off)
Releasing of Notarial Documents 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Birth 8:00am  3:30pm
Marriage 8:00am  3:30pm (Sundays to Wednesdays only)
Death 8:00am  3:30pm
Releasing of Civil Registration Documents


4:00pm – 5:00pm (CRU Unit)


(to be released with the new passport of the child)

8:00am – 5:00pm (Passport Releasing Unit)


ROD is released as soon as the applicant completes the requirements and pays the appropriate fees.

Application of Visa 8:00am  11:30am (Cut-off)
Releasing of Visa 4:00pm - 5:00 pm

4:00pm (Cut-off)

No transaction is accepted beyond this period

Note: The Consulate accepts cash payment only.

                                                                          SCHEDULE OF FEES

Solemnization of Marriage at the Consulate AED                    340

Report of Marriage

Report of Marriage

Delayed Registration of Marriage



Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage

Filipino with foreign partner

Both Filipinos