IMPORTANT REMINDER: Applications are strictly by appointment, please book an appointment to: NOTARIZATION APPOINTMENT PORTAL.

NBI Clearance

NBI Form Available at the Consulate General


Special Power of Attorney such us (NBI, LCR, PSA BIRTH CERT.,PSA MARRIAGE CERT., etc) form

For fingerprints taken by Consulate official:

  1. Accomplished NBI Form (NBI Form. 5 may be obtained at the Reception Area)
  2. Two (2) copies of accomplished Special Power of Attorney, authorizing your representative in the Philippines to submit our requirements to the NBI, the Department of Foreign Affairs, and the UAE Embassy Manila.
  3. One (1) 2x2 ID photo with white background to be attached in the NBI Form 5
  4. Three (3) copies of applicant’s passport identification page.
  • Note: Consulate processor to take the fingerprints of the applicant.

For fingerprints taken by UAE Police/CID Authorities

  1. Accomplished NBI Form with fingerprints taken by UAE authorities (NBI Form. 5 may be obtained at the Reception Area). It must bear the seal of the office and signature of the official.
  2. One (1) 2x2 ID photo with white background to be attached in the NBI Form 5


  • Please be reminded that applicant/s must personally sign the document/s in front of the officials of the Consulate General.
  • Any spurious or tampered documents submitted for Notarization/ Attestation are subject to outright seizure upon proper determination by the Consular Officer. Holder of said documents, as well as fixers will be prosecuted. Payment for the document found to be spurious will be forfeited.